Navigating the Transition from Temporary to Permanent Employment

Navigating the Transition from Temporary to Permanent Employment

Temporary employment or Temp to Hire offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience, develop skills, and make professional connections. However, many temporary employees aspire to secure a permanent position. Transitioning from temporary to permanent employment requires strategic planning, effective communication, and a proactive approach. Midwest Staffing also offers several Direct Hire opportunities to those that meet requirements of the client or have shown exceptional skills for the position. Here’s how you can navigate this transition successfully.

1. Excel in Your Current Role

The first step towards securing a permanent position is to excel in your current temporary role. Show your dedication, reliability, and ability to perform tasks efficiently. Exceeding expectations will not only make a positive impression on your supervisors but also demonstrate your value to the company. According to the Harvard Business Review, employees who consistently exceed performance expectations are more likely to be considered for permanent roles (Harvard Business Review, 2020).

2. Communicate Your Goals

Open communication is key to transitioning from a temporary to a permanent position. Make your career goals known to your supervisors and express your interest in a permanent role. By doing so, you signal your commitment to the company and your desire to grow within the organization. Career experts at Forbes emphasize the importance of discussing your aspirations with your employer to increase your chances of securing a permanent position (Forbes, 2021).

3. Network Within the Company

Building relationships with colleagues and supervisors can significantly impact your chances of becoming a permanent employee. Networking within the company allows you to learn more about available opportunities and demonstrate your enthusiasm for being part of the team. A study by LinkedIn revealed that networking is one of the most effective ways to find job opportunities and advance your career (LinkedIn, 2021).

4. Seek Feedback and Improve

Regularly seek feedback from your supervisors to understand areas where you can improve. Constructive feedback helps you grow professionally and shows your willingness to learn and develop. Incorporating feedback into your work can make you a more valuable employee, increasing your chances of being offered a permanent position. According to a report by Gallup, employees who receive regular feedback are more engaged and perform better at work (Gallup, 2019).

5. Enhance Your Skills

Continuously enhancing your skills and staying updated with industry trends can make you a more attractive candidate for permanent roles. Take advantage of training opportunities offered by the company and consider pursuing relevant certifications. The Balance Careers suggests that upskilling can significantly improve your employability and career prospects (The Balance Careers, 2020).

6. Show Flexibility and Adaptability

Demonstrating flexibility and adaptability in your role can make a lasting impression on your employer. Being open to taking on different tasks and responsibilities shows your willingness to contribute to the company’s success. Employers value employees who can adapt to changing circumstances and meet the organization’s needs effectively.

7. Understand Company Culture

Understanding and aligning with the company culture is crucial for transitioning to a permanent position. Employers look for candidates who fit well within the team and share the company’s values. Take the time to learn about the company’s mission, values, and work environment, and show how you embody these attributes in your daily work.

8. Be Patient and Persistent

Securing a permanent position often requires patience and persistence. Continue to perform well in your temporary role, stay proactive in seeking opportunities, and remain positive throughout the process. Even if a permanent position is not immediately available, your hard work and dedication can leave a lasting impression, leading to future opportunities.


Transitioning from Temporary employment or Temp to Hire to Direct Hire or permanent employment is a journey that requires dedication, effective communication, and a proactive approach. By excelling in your current role, communicating your goals, networking, seeking feedback, enhancing your skills, showing flexibility, understanding company culture, and being patient, you can increase your chances of securing a permanent position. Embrace the opportunities that temporary employment offers, and use them as stepping stones to achieve your long-term career goals.


Feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities and expectations others have of you in the workplace? Oftentimes those in leadership positions are consumed with numerous tasks and job roles. Yet, some assignments that can be entrusted to other coworkers are not being delegated. Sharing responsibilities is essential in leadership to help alleviate workload, allowing more time for important matters that cannot be taken care of by others. 


1. Be precise when describing tasks that need to be accomplished. When delegating it’s important to be specific on what’s expected of the individual. For example: Sally, I need you to contact the phone company regarding an error showing in our phone bill this month. Our company account number and information you may need is attached to the original bill. Please contact the phone company, and get back to me today by 2:00p.m with updates on the matter.

2. Be clear on expected deadlines. Provide deadlines that are within a reasonable timeframe. This gives employees time to prepare and plan accordingly. Please see example above.

3. Define the job culture. Employees should have a clear understanding of “who to go to” with any given situation. Some companies have set departments, while others have a chain-of-command. Each job culture varies, yet employees should be aware of what’s expected of them.

4. Plan team meetings. Scheduling meetings is a great way to evaluate each team member’s progress, ask questions, and share concerns. It offers everyone the opportunity to voice his or her perspective and to brainstorm ideas. It also allows team leaders to reexamine the course of action if outcomes are not as anticipated.  

5. Avoid delegating assignments that are beyond the employee’s scope or skills. Some occupations require licensure or certifications to perform specific job duties. Familiarize yourself with employee positions and job roles to ensure delegation falls within their skills and scope of practice. 

6. Remain flexible and supportive. This may be a new responsibility for some employees, which may take time and practice to master. You can show support by answering questions and being accessible for help if needed. Patience and support from leaders is crucial.

7. Define responsibility. Some job roles can be delegated without any shared responsibility, while others cannot. For example, a Registered Nurse can delegate a nursing assistant to take a blood pressure reading on her client, yet if the job is not done the responsibility falls on the nurse in charge of the client. In this case the responsibility is on the Registered Nurse who’s been assigned to care for the client, not on the nursing assistant. Always keep in mind your occupational responsibilities and scope of practice when delegating work assignments.


You’re ready for the job market with a professional resume on hand and a list of potential employers. Having an internal drive launches employment opportunities, yet for optimal possibilities preparation and planning is paramount. Why settle for the first job offer, when you can attain the position of your dreams? Landing the ideal occupation is reachable with determination and adequate career planning. 

Here is a 7-Step Action Plan to Landing Your Dream Job:

1. Join meet-ups, professional groups, and related organizations with topics and activities surrounding your occupational field. For example, if you’re seeking an educator position connect with other teachers, tutors, coaches, leaders, and speakers in groups and community meetings. 

2. Create a blueprint outlining your occupational goals for the upcoming weeks, months, and years. Mapping out short and long-term goals allows for adequate planning with a step-by-step approach in accomplishing each milestone. Don’t limit your creativity. Build a picture board, design a career graph, develop a career scrapbook, or start a professional portfolio. The idea is to inspire creativity, define goals, and develop attainable milestones to land your dream job.

3. Attend job fairs and career workshops in your area. Step into the work field examining opportunities, career demands, and job offers. Job fairs offer vast resources in addition to employment opportunities such as business networking, research, volunteer positions, invites to upcoming events, and more.

4. Take time to learn companies of interest. Learn the organization’s mission, history, purpose, and accomplishments. This offers valuable company data that can be shared during the interview process. Researching the company shows interest and seriousness in part of the job seeker, and also allows the individual to determine if this company is truly a good fit for his/her personal career goals.

5. Be open to the possibility of other related jobs. Certain milestones, work experience, and credentials may be required before the opportunity opens to land the job of your dreams. In such instances individuals can seek employment in related fields, serving as a springboard to other career goals. For instance, if you lack credentials for a management position search for employment opportunities that embrace like skills such as leadership, guidance, coordinating, directing, and other administrative roles.

6. Read journals, news articles, periodicals, magazines and other educational materials in your occupational niche.  Staying current with the latest technology and advances in your job field is crucial for employment and for optimal work performance. This is particularly important for individuals who have been out of the workforce for some time. The employee’s ability to stay relevant and well informed in the latest career and technological advances gains confidence with employers and other professional’s leaders.   

7. Connect with individuals who share common job interests and goals. Meeting others in work-related fields welcomes opportunities, potential jobs, promotions, career tips, and professional guidance.


The first day on your new job has arrived! You’re anxious, scared, and intimidated by more experienced employees. Everyone knows you’re a new graduate and the look of fear on your face clearly spells out “rookie”. There are ways to create an atmosphere that promotes business relationships and a positive first impression. Yes, even if you are fresh out of graduate school!


1. Keep your cool. Literally. No one likes to share an office with a sweaty and stinky co-worker. Although it may be nerve wrecking to start the “job of your dreams”, anticipate all possible scenarios by selecting comfortable and airy attire that fits your job position. This will keep you looking and feeling fresh.

2. Maintain your confidence. There are many employees, which can attest that longevity doesn’t always amount to a qualified employee or to better work performance.  There are new hires including graduates, which are just as skilled and perform better on the job than employees with seniority. Be confident in yourskills and area of expertise, knowing you have much to contribute to the company.

3. Don’t be intimidated to ask questions. Many times new employees want to be self-sufficient from day one, with the idea of not burdening others or delaying the work flow. In all truth, everyone expects new hires to have lots of questions and to go through a period of training. During this time mistakes may occur, but they can serve as a springboard for future success.  I’m not referring to negligence or lack of professional conduct, but rather to a general expectation that new hires are in a process of learning and becoming acquainted with the workplace.

4. Familiarize yourself with the work environment. Arrive a few minutes early and get acquainted with the work setting. For example, locate emergency exits, restrooms, employee lounge, meeting rooms, storage rooms, and employee login area. Becoming acquainted with your job setting is one less stressor that can be addressed early on in your work day. Some employees are privileged to attend orientation prior to the first day of work, yet regardless all employees can arrive a few minutes early and explore the environment.

5.  Greet everyone with a friendly attitude. For the most part people like the company of other positive individuals. There’s a lot to learn and mentally digest on the first day of work, and there may be little time left to interact with co-workers. Break time is a great opportunity to become acquainted with other employees in your workplace. 

Wishing you much success on your first day of work!


Throughout the day we experience fluctuating periods of increased alertness and sleepiness. For some individuals creativity and mental focus intensifies in the early morning, while others are more proficient in the evening. A person’s internal biological clock or circadian rhythm influences periods of wakefulness at various times of the day. Working against one’s internal biological clock can be challenging, particularly for employees who are most productive in the evening and hold daytime positions. Fortunately implementing a few strategies can yield positive results when seeking to increase morning productivity.

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) comments further on the role of internal circadian rhythm and wakefulness:

The circadian rhythm dips and rises at different times of the day, so adults’ strongest sleep drive generally occurs between 2:00-4:00 am and in the afternoon between 1:00-3:00 pm, although there is some variation depending on whether you are a “morning person” or “evening person.”

Having adequate sleep each night is a good starting point to increase daytime energy. Allow a period of adjustment as your body adapts to a new sleep schedule. Also, avoid long naps even if the previous evening you slept fewer hours than desired. Limiting hour-long naps contributes to better sleep and increased restfulness at night. As noted by the NSF, “The sleepiness we experience during these circadian dips will be less intense if we have had sufficient sleep, and more intense when we are sleep deprived.” Recommended sleep hours vary depending on the individual’s age, lifestyle, and health needs. In general, adults should get an average of 7-9 hours of sleep each night.


1. Get a good night’s rest and limit hour-long naps during the day.

2. Adhere to an exercise routine.

3. Limit consumption of caffeinated foods and beverages in the later afternoon and during the evening.

4. Develop a sleep schedule that’s suitable for your lifestyle and health needs.

5. Monitor times of the day when you are most alert and plan your workday accordingly. If possible, plan important work projects during times of the day when energy spikes. On the other hand, tedious tasks can be scheduled when feeling sluggish, as they tend to require little if any mental exertion.

6. Don’t run on empty. Be sure to have a healthy breakfast each morning before heading to work.

7. Incorporate a motivational boost. Mediation, spiritual practice, or preferred activity can be introduced to bring enjoyment to the start of your day.


There are a few factors to consider when contemplating a career change. Some individuals shift professions rather quickly, while for others take years. There’s no right time to initiate a new profession, rather it’s an individual choice influenced by personal and professional aspirations. Do you prefer better pay over work satisfaction? What job would you consider if promised a decent salary? Taking time to answer such questions brings insight into purposeful career options. Take note of professions that bring purpose and fulfillment as it is key in the decision making process. Also, a new career can manifest change in different areas of life. Consider lifestyle changes that might emerge with a new occupation. Once ready to move ahead proceed with confidence considering all the positive benefits that motivated you to start a new career!  

Consider This Before Changing Your Career…

1. Does the new career align with your current lifestyle? Perhaps your profession requires working overtime hours and traveling. If you’re motivated to travel and need extra cash that may be your dream job. On the other hand, if job flexibility and free time are important then you may want to consider other employment opportunities. Also, is this a good time to introduce change in your life? Life experiences like moving into a new place or having a baby require time and attention. In such instances it may be challenging to start a new career, yet that’s a personal choice. Only you know how much you can handle and the appropriate time to start a profession.

2. Am I willing to start a new career from scratch?  Careers in similar fields can overlap skills and job roles, while others require new skills and additional education. Staring a new profession can be an exciting journey if your willing to do all it takes to change career paths. Other individuals prefer occupations within a similar field that allow for more simplified job transitions. 

3. Research jobs of interest. This provides insight as to what you can expect when entering the workforce. Research average salary based on experience and job role in your state and city. Some jobs are more prominent in certain cities and states. Also, consider if there’s a good hiring pool in your profession. Occupations of high demand a few years ago may not necessarily maintain the same status. With technological advances and todays fast-paced job market occupations are taking a shift. It’s best to do some homework and research if it’s worth pursing any given occupation. 

4. Reach out to professionals for support. Guidance counselors, human resource personnels, career coaches, and professionals in your field of study can provide much assistance. It’s key to ask detailed questions relating to your career of choice. Such individuals can provide valuable resources and share helpful insights. 

5. Step out of your comfort zone. At times the most challenging aspect of change is moving beyond our comfort zone. It can be intimidating to contemplate all that’s involved in changing professions, yet once determined it’s key to focus on positive outcomes. Moving into a different profession may call for new experiences. If in doubt re-evaluate personal and occupational goals. Otherwise, move ahead in confidence considering all the positive benefits in changing careers.


A large influx of millennials are continuously entering the workforce. Many of which are ambitious for success and eager to venture into new career opportunities. What inspires millennials in the job market? Does Generation Y have different career expectations than baby boomers or previous generations?

These young professionals in their 20’s and 30’s are finding creative ways of increasing profit, productivity, and yielding optimal results with limited resources and time. Many employers are cognitive of these positive contributions shifting to a more flexible and accommodating work cultures. With the growing population of millennials in the job market it’s crucial for leaders to understand what inspires potential employees.


An incentive for many young professionals is flexibility and job culture.  According to a study conducted by PWC, 59% of millennials search for employers whose social responsibilities values align with his or her own, and over 30% anticipate flexible work hours. When asked what makes an organization attractive, 52% millennials responded opportunities for career growth.


With advances in technology and high demands for quick turnaround, it’s no surprise young professionals often seek career flexibility over predictability and longevity. Many employers are cognitive of the benefits in moving away from traditional work modalities to more flexible options that attract new hires. Surprisingly, only 8% of millennials valued diversity and equal work opportunities. Also, employer reputation is not as prized as once was in previous generations.


Millennials value career fulfillment over higher pay. PWC documents 32% of millennials were willing to accept lower salaries, while only 14% were take positions outside their job roles. Although pay is an incentive in attracting millennials, job fulfilment and flexibility are taking lead. 

For more stats on millennials and the workforce visit PWC.


At times life circumstances cause longer than expected periods of unemployment. Extended time off from work raises questions for hiring mangers and human resource personnel considering potential jobseekers. Most employers understand career detours occur, yet how time is managed during such situations can greatly influence new job opportunities. Instead of contemplating long periods of unemployment, elaborate on knowledge and skills acquired during time off from work leading to greater career achievements. 


Employment gaps may result from family or personal emergencies, changes in careers, continuing education requirements, a residential move, and others. What is done during extended periods without a job is what most employers seek to explore. You may be asked what resulted in long periods of unemployment, or to explain large gaps in your employment history. The key is to highlight steps taken that enhanced your career and professional goals. You may want to mention educational and technical courses, internships, and other accomplishments done during this period. Other things to mention are projects and career groups with other professionals in your field. Share efforts and steps taken for occupational achievements even while unemployed. Doing so shows career dedication, motivation, character, and creative thinking. 

What might seem like a weakness can turnout to be a strength when presented in a professional manner. Situations arise causing changes in career plans. Be descriptive when asked to explain employment gaps, elaborating on conscious efforts that resulted in optimal career enhancements. Share career goals and the steps you’re taking to achieve them. Having long-term and short-term goals paints a picture of your professional dreams and aspirations. Most companies are inspired by motivated and goal oriented jobseekers. Rather than delving on the negatives and what lead to periods of unemployment, draw attention to the multiple accomplishments that resulted in career achievements and new professional opportunities.


How we initiate each workday has great influence on productivity and workflow. Unexpected circumstances are likely to arise; yet organizing job responsibilities can yield positive outcomes. With just a few strategies you can start your day accomplishing more with less stress. Get ready for a productive and fulfilling workday!


1. Review traffic updates in advance. This allows ample time for planning alternative routes before heading out to work. It also provides various commute options, which is beneficial during the holiday season, road constructions, and high traffic times.

2. Re-evaluate job tasks and objectives first thing in the morning. Review assignments to determine what still requires your attention today. Other team members may have completed work tasks. What took priority yesterday may not require your attention today. Determine areas that require your attention and reassess again in the later day.

3. Prioritize assignments and deadlines. Develop a list of daily priorities from greatest to least important job tasks. This provides a blueprint on areas requiring your immediate attention each workday.

4. Examine tasks that can be delegated to other employees. Sharing responsibilities can help alleviate workload, allowing more time for important matters that cannot be taken care of by others. Keep in mind the individual’s job role and scope of practice when delegating.

5.  Use break times wisely. Be sure to disconnect from work activities during break times and lunch. Eating lunch is important for your health, and also generates more creativity and energy to complete job assignments.

6. Remain flexible when unexpected circumstances arise. Job demands can be challenging, let a lone when unplanned situations increase workload. Remain flexible and positive, while putting efforts in areas requiring your attention. Consult with your supervisor on job tasks that can be delegated or handled at a later time.

7. Plan your next workday in advance. Schedule assignments with prompt deadlines to be accomplished early in the day. This provides abundant time to prepare for assignments requiring immediate attention. When deadlines are not a factor, it’s beneficial to plan important projects during high-energy peak times. Planning ahead of time helps decrease stress and promotes work productivity.


Purposeful employment, career growth, and personal interests are factors influencing professional aspirations. Most individuals have the opportunity to choose a career path, yet vocational choices may present unexpected outcomes. How can we cultivate work satisfaction despite career outcomes? Simple strategies can be implemented to make your daily work shift satisfying and meaningful.


1. Build a relationship with coworkers. Make an effort to connect with other team members at work. Social interaction with others is a great way to build professional relationships, and in turn enhances job satisfaction.

2. Communicate with your team leader. Brainstorm with your supervisor, providing suggestions that enhance work environments and professional aspirations.

3. Consider occupational requirements. Find creative ways to make meaning of unsatisfying work responsibilities that must take place. Certain job duties seem daunting, yet they provide a beneficial purpose for everyone involved.

4. Focus on the good. Even the toughest occupations have positive qualities. Noticing influential attributes in your current job shifts the focus from the negative, contributing to satisfying careers.

5. Enhance your environment. Small changes can cultivate greater work satisfaction. For instance, individuals who enjoy outdoor settings yet work indoors can decorate their workspace with nature themes, listen to relaxing sounds, and open window blinds for an enhanced setting.

Career outcomes may differ from initial expectations, yet there are ways to increase work satisfaction. The idea is to see the good in your current occupation, while cultivating an environment that promotes work performance. Get excited about your career! Your leap to work satisfaction can start today!