Your resume captured the employer’s attention and now it’s time to organize for the interview! Reviewing questions and preparing ahead of time enhances confidence on your big day! Don’t be alarmed with unexpected interview questions. Be prepared to give proficient and thought-out responses, highlighting skills required for the job opening.  Do allow room for creativity as you may be asked perplexed questions, and rehearse the questions below with others for constructive feedback. Much success on your interview!


1.  What are your career goals this coming year?

Share career goals and the steps you’re taking to achieve them. Having long-term and short-term goals paints a professional picture of your dreams and aspirations. Companies like individuals who are motivated and goal oriented.

2. Did your previous employer need improvement in any area?

The idea is to identify potential problems, while offering positive solutions. This is a great opportunity to highlight leadership skills, as well as strategies implemented that have proven successful in the past.

3.  Can you describe a challenging scenario, and share how you handled it?

Discrepancies on the job happen, yet how we handle circumstances makes all the difference. Think outside the box and get creative when pondering different solutions. For instance, you can share of a scenario when you went beyond your job duties to assist a client who was upset gathering resources, making phone calls, and more. This scenario shows employee flexibility, dedication, and strong leadership skills.

4.  What are looking to gain from our company?

Rather than focusing on pay rate and employee benefits, consider other positive attributes the company offers like longevity and opportunities for career growth.

5.  What are your professional strengths?

The interviewer wants to know what you have to offer to the company. Why should they choose you over other job candidates? Highlight attributes you possess that pertain to the job position at hand. For example, if you are applying for a customer service role, mention your people skills and ability to be a team player. Creating a self-assessment list prior to the interview can also prove beneficial.

6.  What professional areas are you looking to improve?

My recommendation is to share attributes that can be tolerated by other colleagues. These should be traits that can be worked on over time. For example, becoming more proficient in another language, learning a new software program, or getting to know co-workers.

7.  Why are you leaving your current employer?

The company is curious as to why you chose to resign from your current position. Be honest about circumstances causing you to leave or seek for new employment opportunities.  

8.  Why are you applying for this position?

Why did you choose this company over other employment opportunities? This is a great time to express your passion and qualities that make you the perfect candidate for the job. Share features that make the company stand out from other employers. For example, mention the length of time the company has been in business, or the professional assistance you’ve received since day one.  

9.  Are you willing to relocate for work if needed?

It’s important to show flexibility, but also be realistic in your response. Share work accommodations that fit your schedule and current lifestyle. Perhaps you are flexible and willing to relocate, yet only within the same state or county. Most companies will value your desire for a fair compromise.

10. Do you have any questions for me? 

Be prepared to ask questions. This shows interest in part of the potential job candidate. This is also a good time to inquire on company benefits, scheduling, and job expectations.


Financial stressors that trouble employees with today’s economic demands also weigh down on business owners. Businesses account for multiple expenses such as rent, taxes, insurances, employee benefit programs (retirement, health insurance, etc.), staff payroll, supplies, work equipment, marketing, and more. It can be challenging to hire top professionals with a tight budget, yet settling on staffing services may turn to be more costly than expected.

Qualified jobseekers are confident in what they can offer, and seek stable work opportunities with potential job growth. It can be alluring to cut on staffing services to save cost, but doing so cheats you from hand-selected workers who’ve been interviewed and screened by professional staffing agents. Filtering job candidates also takes time and efforts away from important matters that cannot be delegated to other business professionals or team members. Hiring qualified workers involves through interviewing, assessing employment history, drug screening, verifying references, training, and more. Investing in a trusted staffing agency, like Midwest Staffing Group removes the care of the entire hiring process so your leadership skills can be focused in areas that increase profitability and business growth.

Staffing services can save your business time and money. The expenses and training involved in hiring new staff can be detrimental when new employees fail to meet job responsibilities and company standards. In addition to screening resumes and handling the entire hiring process, Midwest Staffing Group learns your business and professional aspirations to ensure top candidates. Staff members are an essential component to business success. When hiring new employees it’s key to consider short-term and long-term investments, and the benefits of seeking services for optimal business outcomes. To learn more about our services and what makes us different from other staffing agencies.


A large influx of millennials are continuously entering the workforce. Many of which are ambitious for success and eager to venture into new career opportunities. What inspires millennials in the job market? Does Generation Y have different career expectations than baby boomers or previous generations?

These young professionals in their 20’s and 30’s are finding creative ways of increasing profit, productivity, and yielding optimal results with limited resources and time. Many employers are cognitive of these positive contributions shifting to a more flexible and accommodating work cultures. With the growing population of millennials in the job market it’s crucial for leaders to understand what inspires potential employees.


An incentive for many young professionals is flexibility and job culture.  According to a study conducted by PWC, 59% of millennials search for employers whose social responsibilities values align with his or her own, and over 30% anticipate flexible work hours. When asked what makes an organization attractive, 52% millennials responded opportunities for career growth.


With advances in technology and high demands for quick turnaround, it’s no surprise young professionals often seek career flexibility over predictability and longevity. Many employers are cognitive of the benefits in moving away from traditional work modalities to more flexible options that attract new hires. Surprisingly, only 8% of millennials valued diversity and equal work opportunities. Also, employer reputation is not as prized as once was in previous generations.


Millennials value career fulfillment over higher pay. PWC documents 32% of millennials were willing to accept lower salaries, while only 14% were take positions outside their job roles. Although pay is an incentive in attracting millennials, job fulfilment and flexibility are taking lead. 

For more stats on millennials and the workforce visit PWC.


At times life circumstances cause longer than expected periods of unemployment. Extended time off from work raises questions for hiring mangers and human resource personnel considering potential jobseekers. Most employers understand career detours occur, yet how time is managed during such situations can greatly influence new job opportunities. Instead of contemplating long periods of unemployment, elaborate on knowledge and skills acquired during time off from work leading to greater career achievements. 


Employment gaps may result from family or personal emergencies, changes in careers, continuing education requirements, a residential move, and others. What is done during extended periods without a job is what most employers seek to explore. You may be asked what resulted in long periods of unemployment, or to explain large gaps in your employment history. The key is to highlight steps taken that enhanced your career and professional goals. You may want to mention educational and technical courses, internships, and other accomplishments done during this period. Other things to mention are projects and career groups with other professionals in your field. Share efforts and steps taken for occupational achievements even while unemployed. Doing so shows career dedication, motivation, character, and creative thinking. 

What might seem like a weakness can turnout to be a strength when presented in a professional manner. Situations arise causing changes in career plans. Be descriptive when asked to explain employment gaps, elaborating on conscious efforts that resulted in optimal career enhancements. Share career goals and the steps you’re taking to achieve them. Having long-term and short-term goals paints a picture of your professional dreams and aspirations. Most companies are inspired by motivated and goal oriented jobseekers. Rather than delving on the negatives and what lead to periods of unemployment, draw attention to the multiple accomplishments that resulted in career achievements and new professional opportunities.


How we initiate each workday has great influence on productivity and workflow. Unexpected circumstances are likely to arise; yet organizing job responsibilities can yield positive outcomes. With just a few strategies you can start your day accomplishing more with less stress. Get ready for a productive and fulfilling workday!


1. Review traffic updates in advance. This allows ample time for planning alternative routes before heading out to work. It also provides various commute options, which is beneficial during the holiday season, road constructions, and high traffic times.

2. Re-evaluate job tasks and objectives first thing in the morning. Review assignments to determine what still requires your attention today. Other team members may have completed work tasks. What took priority yesterday may not require your attention today. Determine areas that require your attention and reassess again in the later day.

3. Prioritize assignments and deadlines. Develop a list of daily priorities from greatest to least important job tasks. This provides a blueprint on areas requiring your immediate attention each workday.

4. Examine tasks that can be delegated to other employees. Sharing responsibilities can help alleviate workload, allowing more time for important matters that cannot be taken care of by others. Keep in mind the individual’s job role and scope of practice when delegating.

5.  Use break times wisely. Be sure to disconnect from work activities during break times and lunch. Eating lunch is important for your health, and also generates more creativity and energy to complete job assignments.

6. Remain flexible when unexpected circumstances arise. Job demands can be challenging, let a lone when unplanned situations increase workload. Remain flexible and positive, while putting efforts in areas requiring your attention. Consult with your supervisor on job tasks that can be delegated or handled at a later time.

7. Plan your next workday in advance. Schedule assignments with prompt deadlines to be accomplished early in the day. This provides abundant time to prepare for assignments requiring immediate attention. When deadlines are not a factor, it’s beneficial to plan important projects during high-energy peak times. Planning ahead of time helps decrease stress and promotes work productivity.


Your resume captured the employer’s attention and now it’s time to organize for the interview! Reviewing questions and preparing ahead of time enhances confidence on your big day! Don’t be alarmed with unexpected interview questions. Be prepared to give proficient and thought-out responses, highlighting skills required for the job opening.  Do allow room for creativity as you may be asked perplexed questions, and rehearse the questions below with others for constructive feedback. Much success on your interview!


1.  What are your career goals this coming year?

Share career goals and the steps you’re taking to achieve them. Having long-term and short-term goals paints a professional picture of your dreams and aspirations. Companies like individuals who are motivated and goal oriented.

2. Did your previous employer need improvement in any area?

The idea is to identify potential problems, while offering positive solutions. This is a great opportunity to highlight leadership skills, as well as strategies implemented that have proven successful in the past.

3.  Can you describe a challenging scenario, and share how you handled it?

Discrepancies on the job happen, yet how we handle circumstances makes all the difference. Think outside the box and get creative when pondering different solutions. For instance, you can share of a scenario when you went beyond your job duties to assist a client who was upset gathering resources, making phone calls, and more. This scenario shows employee flexibility, dedication, and strong leadership skills.

4.  What are looking to gain from our company?

Rather than focusing on pay rate and employee benefits, consider other positive attributes the company offers like longevity and opportunities for career growth.

5.  What are your professional strengths?

The interviewer wants to know what you have to offer to the company. Why should they choose you over other job candidates? Highlight attributes you possess that pertain to the job position at hand. For example, if you are applying for a customer service role, mention your people skills and ability to be a team player. Creating a self-assessment list prior to the interview can also prove beneficial.

6.  What professional areas are you looking to improve?

My recommendation is to share attributes that can be tolerated by other colleagues. These should be traits that can be worked on over time. For example, becoming more proficient in another language, learning a new software program, or getting to know co-workers.

7.  Why are you leaving your current employer?

The company is curious as to why you chose to resign from your current position. Be honest about circumstances causing you to leave or seek for new employment opportunities.  

8.  Why are you applying for this position?

Why did you choose this company over other employment opportunities? This is a great time to express your passion and qualities that make you the perfect candidate for the job. Share features that make the company stand out from other employers. For example, mention the length of time the company has been in business, or the professional assistance you’ve received since day one.  

9.  Are you willing to relocate for work if needed?

It’s important to show flexibility, but also be realistic in your response. Share work accommodations that fit your schedule and current lifestyle. Perhaps you are flexible and willing to relocate, yet only within the same state or county. Most companies will value your desire for a fair compromise.

10. Do you have any questions for me? 

Be prepared to ask questions. This shows interest in part of the potential job candidate. This is also a good time to inquire on company benefits, scheduling, and job expectations.


You’re optimistic, dedicated, and focused in finding suitable employment opportunities. How do you convey work skills and experience on paper in a manner that captivates potential employers? Perhaps you’re seeking a career venture or steady employment options. In either case it’s crucial to have an updated resume readily available. Employers are bombarded with resumes and potential candidates seeking jobs. Fortunately with simple strategies you can make your resume shine!

Tips to Making Your Resume Shine!

1. Avoid lengthy resumes. Excessive content can be overwhelming leaving the reader perplexed. Keep out superfluous information and focus on essential details like work experience, occupational skills, and other information pertinent to the job opening. List experience from the past three years avoiding drawn-out explanations. Rather highlight what you can share if given the job opportunity. Keeping resumes to no more than two pages fosters reader engagement and attention.

2. Include keywords. Review the company’s job roles and expectations noting words to be used on your resume. For instance, a job opening may read, “Seeking a positive and energetic administrative assistant who is flexible and willing to take on different job roles”. If considering this job your resume should include the keywords “positive”, “energetic”, “flexible”. 

3. Proofread your work. Microsoft Word offers spell check and other features that aid in detecting grammatical errors. In addition, review your contact information ensuring it’s correct and up-to-date.  Also, have other people review your resume for constructive feedback.

4. Be specific in your objective statement. Use this section to leave an impression and share a powerful message. Let’s review two different objective statements. First objective statement example, “Seeking a Full-Time position as a cook in a company where I can grow”. Second objective example, “Motivated to work as a Full-Time cook in a company with growth potentials where I can share my skills and be part of an inspiring team.” The latter example uses vivid language giving the reader clear insight on the jobseeker’s motivation and career goals.

5. Design, color, and style. Resume designs vary depending on the job you are seeking. Graphic designers, stylist, and other artist may wish to include colors, textures, special fonts, and other visual aids to show their creative potential. Do keep in mind a resume is not a portfolio of your work. Other professions require traditional resumes that adhere to standard resume fonts and style. When in doubt use a 12-point font like Times New Romans and avoid cursive or other fancy fonts. Consider the job you are applying for when selecting resume templates, colors, and font styles.