Throughout the day we experience fluctuating periods of increased alertness and sleepiness. For some individuals creativity and mental focus intensifies in the early morning, while others are more proficient in the evening. A person’s internal biological clock or circadian rhythm influences periods of wakefulness at various times of the day. Working against one’s internal biological clock can be challenging, particularly for employees who are most productive in the evening and hold daytime positions. Fortunately implementing a few strategies can yield positive results when seeking to increase morning productivity.

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) comments further on the role of internal circadian rhythm and wakefulness:

The circadian rhythm dips and rises at different times of the day, so adults’ strongest sleep drive generally occurs between 2:00-4:00 am and in the afternoon between 1:00-3:00 pm, although there is some variation depending on whether you are a “morning person” or “evening person.”

Having adequate sleep each night is a good starting point to increase daytime energy. Allow a period of adjustment as your body adapts to a new sleep schedule. Also, avoid long naps even if the previous evening you slept fewer hours than desired. Limiting hour-long naps contributes to better sleep and increased restfulness at night. As noted by the NSF, “The sleepiness we experience during these circadian dips will be less intense if we have had sufficient sleep, and more intense when we are sleep deprived.” Recommended sleep hours vary depending on the individual’s age, lifestyle, and health needs. In general, adults should get an average of 7-9 hours of sleep each night.


1. Get a good night’s rest and limit hour-long naps during the day.

2. Adhere to an exercise routine.

3. Limit consumption of caffeinated foods and beverages in the later afternoon and during the evening.

4. Develop a sleep schedule that’s suitable for your lifestyle and health needs.

5. Monitor times of the day when you are most alert and plan your workday accordingly. If possible, plan important work projects during times of the day when energy spikes. On the other hand, tedious tasks can be scheduled when feeling sluggish, as they tend to require little if any mental exertion.

6. Don’t run on empty. Be sure to have a healthy breakfast each morning before heading to work.

7. Incorporate a motivational boost. Mediation, spiritual practice, or preferred activity can be introduced to bring enjoyment to the start of your day.


Most of us are familiar with jobs offering overtime hours extending beyond a 40-hour work week. For entrepreneurs and employees creating their schedule, working long hours is often the norm, making it difficult to disengage mentally from work. In turn many employees. Electronic devices intended to increase productivity are being used throughout the day, evening, and on weekends for work-related responsibilities. There are great benefits in using technology, yet it’s crucial to diligently balance work and social life. Whether you work a fixed schedule or different hours of the day employee safety begins with education. Taking positive steps when working extended hours promotes health, safety, and work productivity.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) comments on long work shifts, “According to U.S. National Health Interview data from 2010, almost 19% of working adults work 48 hour or more per week and over 7% worked 60 hours or more. Both shift work and long work hours have been associated with health and safety risks.” Sleep deprivation can affect concentration, alertness, mood, and general health. Attentiveness to details is critical in certain occupations like nursing, chemists, pharmacists, employees operating heavy machinery, and others. Feeling tired, stressed, fatigued, or burnout not only affects work performance, but also safety concerns for yourself and others.  

The University of Surrey documents a study by the Journal of Science on the effects of sleep loss on various brain regions. “Research has significant implications for our understanding of how the brain is locally affected by internal time of day and sleep-wake cycles.  Results shed light on why shift workers and people working very long hours struggle to pay attention and concentrate on their job, in particular in the early morning hours,” documents The University of Surrey. Working extended hours coupled with consistent lack of sleep can only raise health concerns. When working overtime hours, consider ways to ensure adequate sleep and proper nutrition each day. Accommodate your work schedule to allow times of relaxation. Perhaps take a power nap during one of your breaks or enjoy a 15-minute meditation? The idea is to find creative ways to take breaks, eat nutritious foods, and get adequate sleep each night when working extended hours.


1. Don’t skip meals. Healthy foods fuel your body and mind. When working long hours, it’s important to fuel the brain and body with nutritious foods.

2. Take a break. Disconnecting for a few minutes can increase creativity and focus.

3. Maintain a regular sleep schedule. To be your most productive and keep mentally sharp it’s vital to get a good night’s rest. If having trouble sleeping early, refrain from having caffeine in the later afternoon.  

4. Make times for activities that bring joy. Lasting success is grounded with balance. Hobbies and activities that create meaning, joy, and purpose enhance mood.

5. If overwhelmed talk with your employer. If you feel exhausted and depleted with all the job responsibilities, voice your concerns. At times the employer is not fully aware of the workload or how you’re coping with working extended hours. If you’re feeling burnout be sure to express your concerns to your supervisor. 

*This article is for informational purposes only and not intended to direct health advice. For health questions please inquire with your physician.


Millennials account for 36 percent of the U.S. workforce, and currently hold numerous leadership positions. Research from DDI and The Conference Board relates positive attributions young leaders offer to their work environments. According to the DDI study, the pace at which an organization grows is highly related to the number of Millennials in leadership positions. As young professionals continue to emerge in leadership roles it’s important to implement effective management skills.


1. Seek counsel: Part of gaining expertise is learning from people who share similar proficiencies and from individuals who “paved the way”. There is much to gain from coworkers and experts who experienced like trials.

2. Ask when in doubt: It’s perfectly appropriate to seek assistance when faced with a difficult situation or important decision. Effective leaders understand the importance of sound advice from experienced professionals.

3. It’s okay to make mistakes: Give room for errors as you sharpen your management skills. Attention should be given in developing strategies for better outcomes, yet be flexible when mistakes happen. Focusing on problem-solving skills rather than dwelling on what went wrong is part of managing your team effectively.

4. Embrace teamwork: Colleagues and business partners are important team members. Promoting success in others will bring more work satisfaction and foster a workplace culture of connectivity and unity.

5. Promote diversity: Today’s workforce is comprised of employees from around the world with various cultures, ethnicities, and beliefs. Embracing a multicultural workplace with equal gender opportunity and free of discrimination is essential for a successful business.

6. Step out of your comfort zone: We each have strengths and areas needing more attention for professional growth. Conduct a self-evaluation to assess areas requiring focus and intervention. Then, take measures to improve your professional skills.

7. Delegate tasks: It can be intimidating to delegate tasks to colleagues with company seniority.  You were chosen for a management position based on your skills and qualities, and age is irrelevant. The idea is to keep respectful when delegating assignments to other coworkers. Delegating should focus on teamwork, rather than taking advantage of a management position.

8. Maintain work-life balance: Career goals and visions of success can introduce balance between work and personal life. Technological advances and social media contribute to continuity of job-related tasks outside of working hours. Disengaging from job responsibilities provides time to recharge, bringing fresh ideas when ready to return to work.


Successful communication requires effort and understanding in part of the management team. Leaders can influence staff members by cultivating work settings that embrace constructive feedback and employee engagement. When messages are shared respectfully positive outcomes are likely to follow. Good communication also fosters staff collaboration, professional growth, and business success. Read below for leadership tips on successful communication skills!


1. Maintain a balance between negative and positive feedback. Areas requiring work improvement should be confronted in a courteous manner. It’s also central to acknowledge employee efforts and accomplishments when fitting.

2. Be professional when providing negative feedback. Screaming or saying insulting remarks can generate resentment and bring little if any change at all. On the other hand, constructive criticism may prove beneficial when done in a respectful manner.

3. Communicate job roles and expected outcomes. Providing a clear understanding of job responsibilities and company expectations helps minimize misunderstandings, while promoting employee accountability.

4. Listen attentively. Skilled leaders are attentive to the concerns of their staff members. Encouraging employee input cultivates team efforts and positive work environments. 5. Be open to receive feedback. There’s always room for growth and leadership improvement. Have other supervisors and managers evaluate your communication skills. Gathering feedback from others opens opportunities for personal and professional growth.


Pressures in economic demands cause some individuals to place professional aspirations aside settling for first available job options. Income, passion, purpose, or all of the above are driving forces influencing career decisions. Whether you’re investigating employment opportunities or pursuing your “dream job”, it’s crucial to remain optimistic and not lose sight of your goals. It’s never too late to revamp or initiate a new vocation! With just a few strategies you can ignite professional ambitions.

1. Create a visual aid on how your professional life will look five years from today. Envisioning your future is a good starting point when mapping career paths. Provide as much detailed information as possible and get creative. This is your canvas to explore and create all sorts of professional possibilities.

2. Network with other people. Speak with professionals in your field for direction, career advice, and valuable resources. Human resource personnel can also provide assistance with resume creation and interviewing tips.

3. Take inventory of occupational goals. Career ambitions may change over time depending on life circumstances and personal interests. Make time to examine important factors influencing career choices as often as needed. This can help alleviate stress and narrow career options to those that best fit your lifestyle and financial needs.

4. Research your current salary. Familiarize yourself with standard pay rates for your work industry. The United States Department of Labor Statistics outlines average income per state for various occupations.

5. Investigate job opportunities. Before investing extensive time and energy in any given profession determine job availability. Can you afford being unemployed for some time before earning stable income? Are you pursuing a career that’s in high demand? Will it be easy to get a job in your field of study post graduation? These are some questions to consider when considering career options.

6. Remain optimistic. When career passions start to dwindle take inventory of your professional aspirations. Doing so helps keep dreams alive as you advance in your career or work towards your dream job. 7. Stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and breakthroughs in your field. Keeping informed is fundamental when seeking career advancements.


Speaking to large crowds comes easily for some, yet for others just the thought cultivates fear and anxiety. According to Psychology Today three out of four people fear public speaking. This form of anxiety is known as glossophobia or speech anxiety. By incorporating a few strategies you can boost your confidence and become an expert in giving speeches!


Research and Prepare Ahead of Time: Give yourself ample time to prepare before conducting your speech. Create an outline of data and requirements to be accomplished in a timely fashion. This provides a visual guide with steps to ensure needed information is gathered before the presentation.  Researching beforehand fosters knowledge and confidence on the topic of discussion.

Practice with People You Feel Comfortable Around: Depending on your preference your audience can be friends, family, colleagues, or other people you know. A good strategy is to begin with smaller audiences and gradually increase. A progressive adjustment to larger audiences exposes the individual to the cause of anxiety at a manageable level. This can be more accommodating than the sudden impact of presenting before a large audience.

Focus on Your Message: Concentrate on the message you’re seeking to convey, rather than on the audience. It can be nerve-racking to see numerous people starring at you. Instead focus on your thoughts and the points to be address in an orderly fashion. For instance, plan ahead what you intend to say in the beginning, middle, and end of your speech. This gives room for creativity in between, but also structure in the event your mind wonders. Flashcards, PowerPoint slides with bullet points, or simple mental notes can serve as reminders to keep focused. This may also decrease anxiety being a tool of reference when feeling under pressure.

Stop, Breathe, and Then Continue:  If nervousness sets in stop speaking, take a few deep breathes, and then resume. Taking a few moments to collect your thoughts and balance intense emotions can prove beneficial.Allow Room for Error: Becoming an expert at giving speeches takes practice and dedication. It may take a few experiences before you feel overly confident. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and be patient as this is a learning process. Remember practice makes perfect, and that requires time and experiences.


For some individuals leading presentations comes quite naturally, while others hesitate to express a word in public. With preparation, practice, and use of the strategies listed below your next meeting can be a success! Get ready to capture your audience, while keeping focused and relaxed!


1. Prepare ahead of time. Planning and preparation are key elements for success when conducting business meetings and presentations. Depending on the intent of the meeting you may want to research company information, gather statistical data, collaborate with other professionals, or prepare a PowerPoint presentation to name a few suggestions. Allowing ample time to gather needed information and resources can alleviate stress on the day of your meeting.

2. Explore your surroundings and greet people. Arriving a few minutes early provides an opportunity to explore your surroundings and meet other people. Use this time to introduce yourself in a causal manner and to become acquainted with your audience. It’s also a great opportunity to sit back and relax, while envisioning yourself presenting successfully.

3. Maintain eye contact and smile. Avoid reading directly from PowerPoint slides or notecards, rather concise reading material and explain in your own words. Also, glance at your audience and smile periodically.

4. Involve your audience. Encouraging input from your audience promotes feedback and attentiveness. This is a great way to determine if your audience is grasping your message, and a time to give attention to areas needing clarification.

5. Keep presentations on topic. Stay focused on the message you want your audience to take home at the end of the meeting. If unrelated questions come up, simply redirect your audience to the subject at hand.

6. Pause and breathe. If you begin to feel nervous take a deep breath, pause for a drink of water, and proceed with your meeting. Taking a moment to collect your thoughts can help decrease anxiety and maintain focus. 


Pressures in economic demands cause some individuals to place professional aspirations aside settling for first available job options. Income, passion, purpose, or all of the above are driving forces influencing career decisions. Whether you’re investigating employment opportunities or pursuing your “dream job”, it’s crucial to remain optimistic and not lose sight of your goals. It’s never too late to revamp or initiate a new vocation! With just a few strategies you can ignite professional ambitions.

1. Create a visual aid on how your professional life will look five years from today. Envisioning your future is a good starting point when mapping career paths. Provide as much detailed information as possible and get creative. This is your canvas to explore and create all sorts of professional possibilities.

2. Network with other people. Speak with professionals in your field for direction, career advice, and valuable resources. Human resource personnel can also provide assistance with resume creation and interviewing tips.

3. Take inventory of occupational goals. Career ambitions may change over time depending on life circumstances and personal interests. Make time to examine important factors influencing career choices as often as needed. This can help alleviate stress and narrow career options to those that best fit your lifestyle and financial needs.

4. Research your current salary. Familiarize yourself with standard pay rates for your work industry. The United States Department of Labor Statistics outlines average income per state for various occupations.

5. Investigate job opportunities. Before investing extensive time and energy in any given profession determine job availability. Can you afford being unemployed for some time before earning stable income? Are you pursuing a career that’s in high demand? Will it be easy to get a job in your field of study post graduation? These are some questions to consider when considering career options.

6. Remain optimistic. When career passions start to dwindle take inventory of your professional aspirations. Doing so helps keep dreams alive as you advance in your career or work towards your dream job.

7. Stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and breakthroughs in your field. Keeping informed is fundamental when seeking career advancements. 


Speaking to large crowds comes easily for some, yet for others just the thought cultivates fear and anxiety. According to Psychology Today three out of four people fear public speaking. This form of anxiety is known as glossophobia or speech anxiety. By incorporating a few strategies you can boost your confidence and become an expert in giving speeches!


Research and Prepare Ahead of Time: Give yourself ample time to prepare before conducting your speech. Create an outline of data and requirements to be accomplished in a timely fashion. This provides a visual guide with steps to ensure needed information is gathered before the presentation.  Researching beforehand fosters knowledge and confidence on the topic of discussion.

Practice with People You Feel Comfortable Around: Depending on your preference your audience can be friends, family, colleagues, or other people you know. A good strategy is to begin with smaller audiences and gradually increase. A progressive adjustment to larger audiences exposes the individual to the cause of anxiety at a manageable level. This can be more accommodating than the sudden impact of presenting before a large audience.

Focus on Your Message: Concentrate on the message you’re seeking to convey, rather than on the audience. It can be nerve-racking to see numerous people starring at you. Instead focus on your thoughts and the points to be address in an orderly fashion. For instance, plan ahead what you intend to say in the beginning, middle, and end of your speech. This gives room for creativity in between, but also structure in the event your mind wonders. Flashcards, PowerPoint slides with bullet points, or simple mental notes can serve as reminders to keep focused. This may also decrease anxiety being a tool of reference when feeling under pressure.

Stop, Breathe, and Then Continue:  If nervousness sets in stop speaking, take a few deep breathes, and then resume. Taking a few moments to collect your thoughts and balance intense emotions can prove beneficial.

Allow Room for Error: Becoming an expert at giving speeches takes practice and dedication. It may take a few experiences before you feel overly confident. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and be patient as this is a learning process. Remember practice makes perfect, and that requires time and experiences.