How we initiate each workday has great influence on productivity and workflow. Unexpected circumstances are likely to arise; yet organizing job responsibilities can yield positive outcomes. With just a few strategies you can start your day accomplishing more with less stress. Get ready for a productive and fulfilling workday!


1. Review traffic updates in advance. This allows ample time for planning alternative routes before heading out to work. It also provides various commute options, which is beneficial during the holiday season, road constructions, and high traffic times.

2. Re-evaluate job tasks and objectives first thing in the morning. Review assignments to determine what still requires your attention today. Other team members may have completed work tasks. What took priority yesterday may not require your attention today. Determine areas that require your attention and reassess again in the later day.

3. Prioritize assignments and deadlines. Develop a list of daily priorities from greatest to least important job tasks. This provides a blueprint on areas requiring your immediate attention each workday.

4. Examine tasks that can be delegated to other employees. Sharing responsibilities can help alleviate workload, allowing more time for important matters that cannot be taken care of by others. Keep in mind the individual’s job role and scope of practice when delegating.

5.  Use break times wisely. Be sure to disconnect from work activities during break times and lunch. Eating lunch is important for your health, and also generates more creativity and energy to complete job assignments.

6. Remain flexible when unexpected circumstances arise. Job demands can be challenging, let a lone when unplanned situations increase workload. Remain flexible and positive, while putting efforts in areas requiring your attention. Consult with your supervisor on job tasks that can be delegated or handled at a later time.

7. Plan your next workday in advance. Schedule assignments with prompt deadlines to be accomplished early in the day. This provides abundant time to prepare for assignments requiring immediate attention. When deadlines are not a factor, it’s beneficial to plan important projects during high-energy peak times. Planning ahead of time helps decrease stress and promotes work productivity.


Purposeful employment, career growth, and personal interests are factors influencing professional aspirations. Most individuals have the opportunity to choose a career path, yet vocational choices may present unexpected outcomes. How can we cultivate work satisfaction despite career outcomes? Simple strategies can be implemented to make your daily work shift satisfying and meaningful.


1. Build a relationship with coworkers. Make an effort to connect with other team members at work. Social interaction with others is a great way to build professional relationships, and in turn enhances job satisfaction.

2. Communicate with your team leader. Brainstorm with your supervisor, providing suggestions that enhance work environments and professional aspirations.

3. Consider occupational requirements. Find creative ways to make meaning of unsatisfying work responsibilities that must take place. Certain job duties seem daunting, yet they provide a beneficial purpose for everyone involved.

4. Focus on the good. Even the toughest occupations have positive qualities. Noticing influential attributes in your current job shifts the focus from the negative, contributing to satisfying careers.

5. Enhance your environment. Small changes can cultivate greater work satisfaction. For instance, individuals who enjoy outdoor settings yet work indoors can decorate their workspace with nature themes, listen to relaxing sounds, and open window blinds for an enhanced setting.

Career outcomes may differ from initial expectations, yet there are ways to increase work satisfaction. The idea is to see the good in your current occupation, while cultivating an environment that promotes work performance. Get excited about your career! Your leap to work satisfaction can start today!


Throughout the day we experience fluctuating periods of increased alertness and sleepiness. For some individuals creativity and mental focus intensifies in the early morning, while others are more proficient in the evening. A person’s internal biological clock or circadian rhythm influences periods of wakefulness at various times of the day. Working against one’s internal biological clock can be challenging, particularly for employees who are most productive in the evening and hold daytime positions. Fortunately implementing a few strategies can yield positive results when seeking to increase morning productivity.

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) comments further on the role of internal circadian rhythm and wakefulness:

The circadian rhythm dips and rises at different times of the day, so adults’ strongest sleep drive generally occurs between 2:00-4:00 am and in the afternoon between 1:00-3:00 pm, although there is some variation depending on whether you are a “morning person” or “evening person.”

Having adequate sleep each night is a good starting point to increase daytime energy. Allow a period of adjustment as your body adapts to a new sleep schedule. Also, avoid long naps even if the previous evening you slept fewer hours than desired. Limiting hour-long naps contributes to better sleep and increased restfulness at night. As noted by the NSF, “The sleepiness we experience during these circadian dips will be less intense if we have had sufficient sleep, and more intense when we are sleep deprived.” Recommended sleep hours vary depending on the individual’s age, lifestyle, and health needs. In general, adults should get an average of 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Tips for Adjusting Your Biological Clock:

1. Get a good night’s rest and limit hour-long naps during the day.

2. Adhere to an exercise routine.

3. Limit consumption of caffeinated foods and beverages in the later afternoon and during the evening.

4. Develop a sleep schedule that’s suitable for your lifestyle and health needs.

5. Monitor times of the day when you are most alert and plan your workday accordingly. If possible, plan important work projects during times of the day when energy spikes. On the other hand, tedious tasks can be scheduled when feeling sluggish, as they tend to require little if any mental exertion.

6. Don’t run on empty. Be sure to have a healthy breakfast each morning before heading to work.

7. Incorporate a motivational boost. Mediation, spiritual practice, or preferred activity can be introduced to bring enjoyment to the start of your day.


You worked diligently for years investing in an occupation or career of choice. Perhaps you’re years away from retirement, or a few months before the clock ticks and it’s time to retire. For most of us, it’s time to start planning for life after our working years! Ideally, retirement planning should begin early in your career. Financial advisors and career coaches can assist with various aspects of retirement.


A good starting point is researching different cities that capture your interest. Bankrate outlines the top five best states to retire: Wyoming first place, Colorado second place, Utah third place, Virginia fourth place, and Iowa fifth place. You may wonder, what are the worst places to retire? According to Bankrate, New York and Arkansas would be the worst places to retire, with Arkansas coming in last place.

CBS News outlines the top best places to retire sharing, describing how Wyoming offers many benefits to residents like low cost of living, low crime rate, and light tax burden. Colorado is also top in the list with many positive attributes. CBS News states, “Colorado has several things going for it lately. It’s unemployment rate is lower and its population is more educated than the national average.” Third but not last is Utah, which is known for it’s beautiful mountains and rivers. Many young families are growing found of this state, with 29.7 as the median age. In addition to delicious potatoes, Idaho has much to offer residents. Idaho has the incentive of low cost of living with beautiful nature sights. CBS News notes $176,010 as the median home sale price in Idaho. Lastly, Virginia – the state that offers the best of all worldswith the experience of four-seasons and tolerable climate changes. CBS News shares how cities in Virginia, like Williamsburg, provide a beautiful blend of history and modern culture.

Retirement planning takes time and preparation. It involves goal setting, research, and financial investments. A good place of inspiration is researching different states or countries that interest you. Consider your budget, retirement timeframe, deadlines, support systems, and personal preferences.  Planning for your retirement can be exciting! Outline the top five places that best suit your personal goals and retirement setting.