Navigating the Transition from Temporary to Permanent Employment

Navigating the Transition from Temporary to Permanent Employment

Temporary employment or Temp to Hire offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience, develop skills, and make professional connections. However, many temporary employees aspire to secure a permanent position. Transitioning from temporary to permanent employment requires strategic planning, effective communication, and a proactive approach. Midwest Staffing also offers several Direct Hire opportunities to those that meet requirements of the client or have shown exceptional skills for the position. Here’s how you can navigate this transition successfully.

1. Excel in Your Current Role

The first step towards securing a permanent position is to excel in your current temporary role. Show your dedication, reliability, and ability to perform tasks efficiently. Exceeding expectations will not only make a positive impression on your supervisors but also demonstrate your value to the company. According to the Harvard Business Review, employees who consistently exceed performance expectations are more likely to be considered for permanent roles (Harvard Business Review, 2020).

2. Communicate Your Goals

Open communication is key to transitioning from a temporary to a permanent position. Make your career goals known to your supervisors and express your interest in a permanent role. By doing so, you signal your commitment to the company and your desire to grow within the organization. Career experts at Forbes emphasize the importance of discussing your aspirations with your employer to increase your chances of securing a permanent position (Forbes, 2021).

3. Network Within the Company

Building relationships with colleagues and supervisors can significantly impact your chances of becoming a permanent employee. Networking within the company allows you to learn more about available opportunities and demonstrate your enthusiasm for being part of the team. A study by LinkedIn revealed that networking is one of the most effective ways to find job opportunities and advance your career (LinkedIn, 2021).

4. Seek Feedback and Improve

Regularly seek feedback from your supervisors to understand areas where you can improve. Constructive feedback helps you grow professionally and shows your willingness to learn and develop. Incorporating feedback into your work can make you a more valuable employee, increasing your chances of being offered a permanent position. According to a report by Gallup, employees who receive regular feedback are more engaged and perform better at work (Gallup, 2019).

5. Enhance Your Skills

Continuously enhancing your skills and staying updated with industry trends can make you a more attractive candidate for permanent roles. Take advantage of training opportunities offered by the company and consider pursuing relevant certifications. The Balance Careers suggests that upskilling can significantly improve your employability and career prospects (The Balance Careers, 2020).

6. Show Flexibility and Adaptability

Demonstrating flexibility and adaptability in your role can make a lasting impression on your employer. Being open to taking on different tasks and responsibilities shows your willingness to contribute to the company’s success. Employers value employees who can adapt to changing circumstances and meet the organization’s needs effectively.

7. Understand Company Culture

Understanding and aligning with the company culture is crucial for transitioning to a permanent position. Employers look for candidates who fit well within the team and share the company’s values. Take the time to learn about the company’s mission, values, and work environment, and show how you embody these attributes in your daily work.

8. Be Patient and Persistent

Securing a permanent position often requires patience and persistence. Continue to perform well in your temporary role, stay proactive in seeking opportunities, and remain positive throughout the process. Even if a permanent position is not immediately available, your hard work and dedication can leave a lasting impression, leading to future opportunities.


Transitioning from Temporary employment or Temp to Hire to Direct Hire or permanent employment is a journey that requires dedication, effective communication, and a proactive approach. By excelling in your current role, communicating your goals, networking, seeking feedback, enhancing your skills, showing flexibility, understanding company culture, and being patient, you can increase your chances of securing a permanent position. Embrace the opportunities that temporary employment offers, and use them as stepping stones to achieve your long-term career goals.


Building a Flexible Career Path through Temporary Work

In today’s rapidly changing job market, flexibility has become a cornerstone of career development. Traditional career paths, characterized by long-term commitments to a single employer, are increasingly being replaced by more dynamic and adaptable approaches. One such approach is leveraging temporary work to build a flexible and fulfilling career path. Temporary work, or temp work, offers numerous benefits that can help professionals navigate the modern employment landscape with greater agility and confidence.

The Rise of Temporary Work

Temporary work has seen a significant rise in recent years, driven by both employer needs and worker preferences. Companies are increasingly relying on temporary employees to manage fluctuating workloads, fill short-term gaps, and bring in specialized skills for specific projects. Simultaneously, workers are seeking greater control over their schedules, diverse work experiences, and opportunities to develop new skills without long-term commitments (Forbes).

Advantages of Temporary Work

  1. Skill Development and Diversification: Temporary work provides an excellent platform to acquire and refine a wide range of skills. Each assignment presents a new environment, different challenges, and unique learning opportunities. This continuous exposure helps you build a versatile skill set, making you more adaptable and valuable in the job market (Indeed).
  2. Networking Opportunities: Working in various organizations allows you to expand your professional network significantly. Each temporary role introduces you to new colleagues, managers, and industry contacts. Building a robust network can open doors to future job opportunities, collaborations, and valuable industry insights (LinkedIn).
  3. Career Exploration: Temporary work is an ideal way to explore different industries, roles, and company cultures without long-term commitments. It enables you to gain firsthand experience and insights into what suits you best, helping you make more informed career decisions. This exploration can be particularly beneficial for recent graduates or individuals considering a career change (The Balance Careers).
  4. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: One of the most attractive aspects of temporary work is the flexibility it offers. You can choose assignments that fit your schedule, allowing for better work-life balance. This flexibility is especially valuable for those managing family responsibilities, pursuing further education, or engaging in personal projects (FlexJobs).
  5. Income Stability: Contrary to the perception that temporary work is unstable, it can provide a steady income stream when managed effectively. By maintaining a roster of potential assignments and staying proactive in your job search, you can ensure a consistent flow of work and income. Additionally, temporary roles often come with competitive pay rates, especially for specialized skills (Monster).

Strategies for Success in Temporary Work

To maximize the benefits of temporary work and build a flexible career path, consider the following strategies:

  1. Be Proactive and Organized: Stay ahead in your job search by maintaining an updated resume and a list of potential employers and staffing agencies. Utilize online job boards, social media, and professional networks to find new opportunities. Keeping a calendar of assignments and deadlines will help you manage multiple roles effectively (CareerBuilder).
  2. Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Embrace every temporary role as a learning opportunity. Stay curious, ask questions, and seek feedback to improve your performance. Being adaptable and open to new experiences will make you a more attractive candidate for future assignments (Harvard Business Review).
  3. Market Your Skills: Clearly articulate your diverse skill set and experiences on your resume and professional profiles. Highlight your ability to adapt quickly, work in various environments, and bring value to different types of projects. Demonstrating your versatility will attract a wider range of job opportunities (TopResume).
  4. Build Strong Relationships: Make a positive impression in every temporary role by being reliable, professional, and collaborative. Building strong relationships with colleagues and supervisors can lead to repeat assignments, recommendations, and permanent job offers (Entrepreneur).
  5. Balance Short-term Goals with Long-term Vision: While temporary work is inherently short-term, it’s important to keep your long-term career goals in mind. Use each assignment strategically to build skills and experiences that align with your overarching career aspirations. Regularly reassess your career plan and adjust your approach as needed (Fast Company).


Building a flexible career path through temporary work is a viable and rewarding strategy in today’s job market. It offers a unique combination of skill development, networking, career exploration, and work-life balance. By embracing the opportunities that temporary work presents and adopting effective strategies, you can create a dynamic and fulfilling career that adapts to your evolving goals and the changing employment landscape. Embrace the flexibility, stay proactive, and watch your career flourish in ways you never imagined.


Your resume captured the employer’s attention and now it’s time to organize for the interview! Reviewing questions and preparing ahead of time enhances confidence on your big day! Don’t be alarmed with unexpected interview questions. Be prepared to give proficient and thought-out responses, highlighting skills required for the job opening.  Do allow room for creativity as you may be asked perplexed questions, and rehearse the questions below with others for constructive feedback. Much success on your interview!


1.  What are your career goals this coming year?

Share career goals and the steps you’re taking to achieve them. Having long-term and short-term goals paints a professional picture of your dreams and aspirations. Companies like individuals who are motivated and goal oriented.

2. Did your previous employer need improvement in any area?

The idea is to identify potential problems, while offering positive solutions. This is a great opportunity to highlight leadership skills, as well as strategies implemented that have proven successful in the past.

3.  Can you describe a challenging scenario, and share how you handled it?

Discrepancies on the job happen, yet how we handle circumstances makes all the difference. Think outside the box and get creative when pondering different solutions. For instance, you can share of a scenario when you went beyond your job duties to assist a client who was upset gathering resources, making phone calls, and more. This scenario shows employee flexibility, dedication, and strong leadership skills.

4.  What are looking to gain from our company?

Rather than focusing on pay rate and employee benefits, consider other positive attributes the company offers like longevity and opportunities for career growth.

5.  What are your professional strengths?

The interviewer wants to know what you have to offer to the company. Why should they choose you over other job candidates? Highlight attributes you possess that pertain to the job position at hand. For example, if you are applying for a customer service role, mention your people skills and ability to be a team player. Creating a self-assessment list prior to the interview can also prove beneficial.

6.  What professional areas are you looking to improve?

My recommendation is to share attributes that can be tolerated by other colleagues. These should be traits that can be worked on over time. For example, becoming more proficient in another language, learning a new software program, or getting to know co-workers.

7.  Why are you leaving your current employer?

The company is curious as to why you chose to resign from your current position. Be honest about circumstances causing you to leave or seek for new employment opportunities.  

8.  Why are you applying for this position?

Why did you choose this company over other employment opportunities? This is a great time to express your passion and qualities that make you the perfect candidate for the job. Share features that make the company stand out from other employers. For example, mention the length of time the company has been in business, or the professional assistance you’ve received since day one.  

9.  Are you willing to relocate for work if needed?

It’s important to show flexibility, but also be realistic in your response. Share work accommodations that fit your schedule and current lifestyle. Perhaps you are flexible and willing to relocate, yet only within the same state or county. Most companies will value your desire for a fair compromise.

10. Do you have any questions for me? 

Be prepared to ask questions. This shows interest in part of the potential job candidate. This is also a good time to inquire on company benefits, scheduling, and job expectations.


Feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities and expectations others have of you in the workplace? Oftentimes those in leadership positions are consumed with numerous tasks and job roles. Yet, some assignments that can be entrusted to other coworkers are not being delegated. Sharing responsibilities is essential in leadership to help alleviate workload, allowing more time for important matters that cannot be taken care of by others. 


1. Be precise when describing tasks that need to be accomplished. When delegating it’s important to be specific on what’s expected of the individual. For example: Sally, I need you to contact the phone company regarding an error showing in our phone bill this month. Our company account number and information you may need is attached to the original bill. Please contact the phone company, and get back to me today by 2:00p.m with updates on the matter.

2. Be clear on expected deadlines. Provide deadlines that are within a reasonable timeframe. This gives employees time to prepare and plan accordingly. Please see example above.

3. Define the job culture. Employees should have a clear understanding of “who to go to” with any given situation. Some companies have set departments, while others have a chain-of-command. Each job culture varies, yet employees should be aware of what’s expected of them.

4. Plan team meetings. Scheduling meetings is a great way to evaluate each team member’s progress, ask questions, and share concerns. It offers everyone the opportunity to voice his or her perspective and to brainstorm ideas. It also allows team leaders to reexamine the course of action if outcomes are not as anticipated.  

5. Avoid delegating assignments that are beyond the employee’s scope or skills. Some occupations require licensure or certifications to perform specific job duties. Familiarize yourself with employee positions and job roles to ensure delegation falls within their skills and scope of practice. 

6. Remain flexible and supportive. This may be a new responsibility for some employees, which may take time and practice to master. You can show support by answering questions and being accessible for help if needed. Patience and support from leaders is crucial.

7. Define responsibility. Some job roles can be delegated without any shared responsibility, while others cannot. For example, a Registered Nurse can delegate a nursing assistant to take a blood pressure reading on her client, yet if the job is not done the responsibility falls on the nurse in charge of the client. In this case the responsibility is on the Registered Nurse who’s been assigned to care for the client, not on the nursing assistant. Always keep in mind your occupational responsibilities and scope of practice when delegating work assignments.


You’re ready for the job market with a professional resume on hand and a list of potential employers. Having an internal drive launches employment opportunities, yet for optimal possibilities preparation and planning is paramount. Why settle for the first job offer, when you can attain the position of your dreams? Landing the ideal occupation is reachable with determination and adequate career planning. 

Here is a 7-Step Action Plan to Landing Your Dream Job:

1. Join meet-ups, professional groups, and related organizations with topics and activities surrounding your occupational field. For example, if you’re seeking an educator position connect with other teachers, tutors, coaches, leaders, and speakers in groups and community meetings. 

2. Create a blueprint outlining your occupational goals for the upcoming weeks, months, and years. Mapping out short and long-term goals allows for adequate planning with a step-by-step approach in accomplishing each milestone. Don’t limit your creativity. Build a picture board, design a career graph, develop a career scrapbook, or start a professional portfolio. The idea is to inspire creativity, define goals, and develop attainable milestones to land your dream job.

3. Attend job fairs and career workshops in your area. Step into the work field examining opportunities, career demands, and job offers. Job fairs offer vast resources in addition to employment opportunities such as business networking, research, volunteer positions, invites to upcoming events, and more.

4. Take time to learn companies of interest. Learn the organization’s mission, history, purpose, and accomplishments. This offers valuable company data that can be shared during the interview process. Researching the company shows interest and seriousness in part of the job seeker, and also allows the individual to determine if this company is truly a good fit for his/her personal career goals.

5. Be open to the possibility of other related jobs. Certain milestones, work experience, and credentials may be required before the opportunity opens to land the job of your dreams. In such instances individuals can seek employment in related fields, serving as a springboard to other career goals. For instance, if you lack credentials for a management position search for employment opportunities that embrace like skills such as leadership, guidance, coordinating, directing, and other administrative roles.

6. Read journals, news articles, periodicals, magazines and other educational materials in your occupational niche.  Staying current with the latest technology and advances in your job field is crucial for employment and for optimal work performance. This is particularly important for individuals who have been out of the workforce for some time. The employee’s ability to stay relevant and well informed in the latest career and technological advances gains confidence with employers and other professional’s leaders.   

7. Connect with individuals who share common job interests and goals. Meeting others in work-related fields welcomes opportunities, potential jobs, promotions, career tips, and professional guidance.


If you are seeking stable employment in a company that offers career growth, then this is a must read for you! When looking for a job it’s important to interview and evaluate potential employers. Yes, the company is making an investment in hiring you, but you are also contributing time and energy into the company. In the like manner jobseekers should inquire about opportunities that enhance professional growth.

When seeking employment it’s key to determine your career goals and aspirations. If you are looking expand in your profession, then it’s crucial to communicate such aspirations with potential employers. Inquire about available job promotions as you gain seniority with the company. Doing so provides insight into professional ambitions and seriousness in growing with the company. Below are sample questions to consider when selecting jobs that offer growth potentials.


1. Are promotions available as I expand my skills on the job?

2. Is there growth potential in different departments of the company?

3. How often does the company evaluate employee performance?

4. If given the opportunity can employees expand in his or her job roles?

5. Can employees request transfers if a promotion is available at another location?

6. What are the requirements to be considered for a leadership position?

7. Is there a website were I can research your employee benefits and growth opportunities?


In today’s competitive job market it’s tough to shine amongst other qualified individuals. Many wonder why some employees with less education acquire higher positions, while others with higher education and better credentials are not promoted? This question puzzles many employees who have been in companies for years and see a new hire quickly going up the company ladder. There are ways to excel in your job regardless of credentials or level of experience. In this article we will review key factors to help you excel in any particular job setting.

Laurie Erdman author of Burnout: Identify It- Extinguish It. Ignite Your Life! writes, in The Huffington Post, three ways to excel at work. Erdman recommends the following:

1. Eat brain foods such as nuts, cold-water fish, spinach, and pumpkins seeds. These foods are a great source of healthy fats (polyunsaturated & monounsaturated) and low in hydrogenated fats.

2. Sleep is not for slackers, and a lack of sleep has shown to reduce productivity. She recommends 8 hours of sleep to prevent what she calls “survival mode” or just getting by at work. 

3.Lastly, she emphasizes on the practice of giving. Suggesting employees to go out of their way and do something nice for another co-worker. This concept of giving back to the company provides an opportunity for the individual to feel good about their performance, as well as increase their value in the company.

Healthy, energized, and giving employees are assets to any company. They bring positive ideas that burst creativity and business growth. Although today’s job market can be competitive and challenging, there are ways to shine and excel in your job!


Financial stressors that trouble employees with today’s economic demands also weigh down on business owners. Businesses account for multiple expenses such as rent, taxes, insurances, employee benefit programs (retirement, health insurance, etc.), staff payroll, supplies, work equipment, marketing, and more. It can be challenging to hire top professionals with a tight budget, yet settling on staffing services may turn to be more costly than expected.

Qualified jobseekers are confident in what they can offer, and seek stable work opportunities with potential job growth. It can be alluring to cut on staffing services to save cost, but doing so cheats you from hand-selected workers who’ve been interviewed and screened by professional staffing agents. Filtering job candidates also takes time and efforts away from important matters that cannot be delegated to other business professionals or team members. Hiring qualified workers involves through interviewing, assessing employment history, drug screening, verifying references, training, and more. Investing in a trusted staffing agency, like Midwest Staffing Group removes the care of the entire hiring process so your leadership skills can be focused in areas that increase profitability and business growth.

Staffing services can save your business time and money. The expenses and training involved in hiring new staff can be detrimental when new employees fail to meet job responsibilities and company standards. In addition to screening resumes and handling the entire hiring process, Midwest Staffing Group learns your business and professional aspirations to ensure top candidates. Staff members are an essential component to business success. When hiring new employees it’s key to consider short-term and long-term investments, and the benefits of seeking services for optimal business outcomes. To learn more about our services and what makes us different from other staffing agencies.


Job responsibilities and time constraints in the workplace calls attention to the importance of productivity. This is essential for individuals in professional roles were company success is co-dependent on leadership performance and accountability. Having more time to accomplish tasks doesn’t necessarily yield better results. On the other hand, using allotted time efficiently and effectively can bring about even greater positive outcomes.


1. Focus on one project at a time. It’s difficult to concentrate on any given assignment when your attention is split on numerous tasks. Rather than multitasking, thoroughly complete one project before engaging in another.

2. Schedule times for correspondence. Not all messages and calls need immediate attention. Wait for an opportune time to address correspondence, and then address each message and phone call in order of importance. Being quick to respond to incoming emails and calls can disrupt creativity and workflow.   

3. Take care of important jobs first. It’s easy to procrastinate least enjoyable assignments or those requiring great effort. As the day evolves these projects seem all the more dreadful when a time crunch is in place. Instead, place important tasks on the top of your daily to-do list.  

4. Do what can be done today. If taking care of an assignment today alleviates tomorrows workload, then it’s best to finish the same day. Do take into consideration other work responsibilities and job roles. Don’t overload yourself to the point of exhaustion, which can potential decrease productivity the following day. Use discretion when considering additional assignments.

5. Take breaks. Skipping breaks and lunch time may seem like the best way to get the most out of your workday. Yet, depleting your body of nutrition and rest can have negative impacts on work performance and health. Take a breather from time-to-time throughout the day. Recharging your mind and body promotes creativity and productivity.


How we initiate each workday has great influence on productivity and workflow. Unexpected circumstances are likely to arise; yet organizing job responsibilities can yield positive outcomes. With just a few strategies you can start your day accomplishing more with less stress. Get ready for a productive and fulfilling workday!


1. Review traffic updates in advance. This allows ample time for planning alternative routes before heading out to work. It also provides various commute options, which is beneficial during the holiday season, road constructions, and high traffic times.

2. Re-evaluate job tasks and objectives first thing in the morning. Review assignments to determine what still requires your attention today. Other team members may have completed work tasks. What took priority yesterday may not require your attention today. Determine areas that require your attention and reassess again in the later day.

3. Prioritize assignments and deadlines. Develop a list of daily priorities from greatest to least important job tasks. This provides a blueprint on areas requiring your immediate attention each workday.

4. Examine tasks that can be delegated to other employees. Sharing responsibilities can help alleviate workload, allowing more time for important matters that cannot be taken care of by others. Keep in mind the individual’s job role and scope of practice when delegating.

5.  Use break times wisely. Be sure to disconnect from work activities during break times and lunch. Eating lunch is important for your health, and also generates more creativity and energy to complete job assignments.

6. Remain flexible when unexpected circumstances arise. Job demands can be challenging, let a lone when unplanned situations increase workload. Remain flexible and positive, while putting efforts in areas requiring your attention. Consult with your supervisor on job tasks that can be delegated or handled at a later time.

7. Plan your next workday in advance. Schedule assignments with prompt deadlines to be accomplished early in the day. This provides abundant time to prepare for assignments requiring immediate attention. When deadlines are not a factor, it’s beneficial to plan important projects during high-energy peak times. Planning ahead of time helps decrease stress and promotes work productivity.