You invested numerous years studying the profession of your dreams and the time has arrived to launch your career. Seeking work in today’s competitive job market can be intimidating for new professional graduates. Your resume can be striking, yet presenting confidence when interviewing speaks volumes. Displaying self-assurance when seeking employment increases the likelihood of others confiding in your potential. Trust your individual skills and qualifications, building confidence on positive attributes you have to share with others.
1. List your qualifications, skills, and potential. Make a list of all the skills you posses that match the job description, and emphasize on these skills during your interview. Highlighting potential abilities is also important as it shows desire for career growth and personal development.
2. Have assurance in your abilities. All the necessary educational requirements, training, research, and/or testing has been completed. Rather than focusing on the lack of work experience, concentrate on personal accomplishments that have lead you to this point. There is much you can share in your professional field!
3. Take this time as a learning experience. Transitioning from being a student to a professional can be nerve-wracking. It’s a time period of new roles, expectations, and responsibilities. Starting a career requires patience and self-acceptance, understanding experience comes with time and practice.
4. Request feedback from hiring managers after each interview. Receiving negative feedback is no fun, but sometimes necessary. Feedback allows for introspection and also helps build interviewing skills.